Saturday, June 2, 2012

Throwin' it out there

I am one of those people who feels like most things in life need to come with a disclaimer. When I introduce people to my mom, I give one. When I cook dinner for new people, I give one. AND when I make something, and give it as a gift, or gasp... sell it, I give one. Why I do it, I don't know. I usually end up drawing attention to something with the disclaimer that no one would have noticed anyway, and if I had just left my disclaimer off, no one would be none the wiser... Which is why I have hesitated for so long to post anything about my relationship with my new sewing machine.

I have always had a sewing machine... The first one I started using was my mom's, and she got it as a wedding gift... in 1979... I bought my first one 7 years ago (thankfully at Costco) and I muttled my way through it's quirky habits of eating fabric, breaking needles, and having to be sweet talked into threading correctly. This Christmas however, Mama wanted a new sewing machine. One that worked. And didn't eat fabric... I had since returned my previous one, which Costco graciously accepted and refunded, and was using a borrowed one from a friend. Then this puppy arrived.

Disregard the blurry phone picture... and my pajama's, hey man, I was excited.
(there I go with disclaimers again)

It is amazing. It seriously is the best gift I have every talked Corey in to buying. I am no longer afraid to winde bobbins, or heaven forbid, change thread color. And because I am no longer afraid of my sewing machine, I have finally started to make use of the fabric I have been hoarding... So I started sewing, and sewing... and ya, sewing. Since I was no longer afraid, I decided I would be a little bold, and try and sell something I sewed. Low and be hold, I did.  I am not going to get rich off of my sales thus far, but hey a girl can dream. I just am excited knowing someone purchased something of mine, and I don't even know them! I get a little braver everyday. Since I titled my post today, "Throwin' it out there" Here it goes...

$7 for 1 or 2 for $12. All burpee's are made with super soft cotton flannel, and are sewn to a new cloth diaper. They are the best, truly, and not just because I made them, :-)

$7 for 1 or 2 for $12. All burpee's are made with super soft cotton flannel, and are sewn to a new cloth diaper. They are the best, truly, and not just because I made them, :-)

$7 for 1 or 2 for $12. All burpee's are made with super soft cotton flannel, and are sewn to a new cloth diaper. They are the best, truly, and not just because I made them, :-)

$7 for 1 or 2 for $12. All burpee's are made with super soft cotton flannel, and are sewn to a new cloth diaper. They are the best, truly, and not just because I made them, :-)
Ok, Ok, another disclaimer - Sorry for the sideways photo's,  my computer and I are not getting along real well at the moment.

So there it is. My latest venture. I sew better than I photograph, so should you like to see some burpee's in person, feel free to stop by Vintage Bliss in Conway, WA or my house of course. I always have a few hand :-)

I am also working on some pretty awesome car seat blankets. (thanks Pinterest) I gave my first one away. Par for the course, you know. AND... didn't photograph it. Oh well, live and learn.

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