Sunday, September 26, 2010

I believe in Emily Post

I am an old fashioned woman. I love having my chair pulled out, and my doors opened. I enjoying having my honey pay the bill from his wallet with a debit card that is identical to the one in my wallet. I think you should send thank you notes, and remember birthdays. I think that you should never include wedding registry information on your wedding invitation, and that you should say '"Bless You" when someone sneezes. I think that even if you don't like someone you should be polite. I think that you should respect your elders, not because of what they have done, but yes that too, but because they are your elders. I also think you are not born with manners, you are taught them. I also think you should teach manners by example. There for, I say "excuse me" when I sneeze, and "please pass the salt", rather than "pass me the salt".

I believe in "Pleases" and "Thank Yous".

So, Thank you  Emily Post.

Emily Post's Etiquette, 17th Edition (Thumb Indexed)
Find this lovely read at
Oh, and because I believe in good manners. I hope I haven't offended anyone. If I have, then I am sorry.

Apologizing is a good manner too. Just for the record.
Today I am thankful for: My husband. I love him. Some days more than others, but always everyday. He is strong, and caring. Funny and entertaining. Handsome and most of all, he chose Me.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Day 1 - She Writes.

She writes. Well I do. At least I try. Or have been trying. I kind of like it. I make myself laugh. Is that vain? I think it is, but yet, I keep writing, and laughing so apparently I must not care that much. I started this whole wanna be a writer thing for my business blog Bella Vita Planning, and found well, that I kind of liked it. I entertained someone. Someone thought I was funny. Someone besides my sister, who loves me and always tells me I am funny (even when I think she is just humoring me).

So here I am, writing. Typing actually. This blog venture is to be about finding my way. I want to find my way, which ever way that may be. I want to love my way. Love where it takes me. I have found myself here. At 26. How did I get here. Here is not so bad. I kind of like parts of here. I like, ok Love my husband. Most days. I like my house. My normal, what your supposed to do when you get married, cookie cutter, mom, dad and 2.5 kids house. How did I end up married with a house. I always imagined a normal life. You know, married, kids, job I liked, house, summer vacations to Lake Chelan. You know, normal. I wanted to be normal. I wanted to want normal. Now I am normal and I wonder what not being normal is like.

I never thought I would work a job that I hated. I do. I work a job that people say "wow, what a great place to work, and , how did you get on there". I hate it. I want to think. Everyday. I want to be challenged, and valued and do something different every day. Yet, I go to work. I pay bills because I go to work. I am normal.

Here I am. Living in normal. Wanting to be not normal. I want Cor to quit his job, tell me it's ok to quit mine, and book one way plane tickets to Ireland. I want him to tell me we are going to be vagabonds and bar tend in a dive in Dublin for a while until we want to go somewhere else. If he, my normal, good man, follow the rules husband can jump of the main drag of normal. I will follow. Follow right off the bridge. Like a lemming.

Today I am grateful for: My puppies. They love me everyday, and are always happy to see me.

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